Monday, December 3, 2012

On Charity

Dear LittleDude,

The other day, while you were at school, I was out running errands when a man knocked on my car window, told me a story about why he needed money, and asked if I had any to spare. There was a time when -- even though I was chowing down on my McDonald's drive-through breakfast with a few dollars clearly visible in the car's cup holder -- I might have claimed I had nothing to spare. But that was before an acquaintance said something in passing that really hit home, and that thing made me reconsider.

As you grow up, you'll encounter a lot of people who aren't as fortunate as you are. Sometimes, it'll be obvious, as with the homeless man on the street corner. Other times, it'll be less obvious, as with a friend you don't realize is going hungry at home in order to keep up some appearance of normalcy outside the home. And unfortunately, there will be many times in which appearances are deceiving. Too often, people let the fear of directing charity toward those who don't truly need it -- those who are working the system in some way to take advantage of others' generosity -- as an excuse not to help. I understand that. I've been one of those people, someone who found it easier to convince myself that the person on the street corner was a scammer or an addict than to face the other options that ranged from the possibility of my own selfishness to ignorance to guilt for being unable to help, all at various times. But the truth is that if someone is asking for assistance but not does not truly need it, that is on their conscience. For that, they will one day be judged. What is on your conscience is how you respond. You can do nothing wrong by being trusting and kindhearted enough to give them the benefit of the doubt and help in whatever way you can. For that, you will one day be judged.

And that is why I gave the man in the parking lot the $3 in cash I had -- because I want you to grow up knowing that helping is the right thing to do, even if the person asking for help might not really need it.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

To Be With Jesus

Dear LittleDude,

Today has been a very hard day. Your great-aunt G has been very, very sick for a long time. She has a really bad disease called cancer, and today, we found out there is nothing more the doctors can do to help her get better. So now we have to call in different doctors, the ones whose job it is just to help her feel as good as she can until she gets to go meet Jesus.

Right now, you’re far too little to understand that someone we all love may be leaving us soon and that we won’t see her until we can go see Jesus ourselves. One day not too far from now, you may wonder why we don’t all rush to go see Jesus if it means we can be with Him and all the people we miss so much. Sometimes, I still wonder that myself, and I’ve had a few more years to think about it. All I can tell you is that as wonderful as it will be when we do go see Jesus and all the people we love, it’s also wonderful being down here on Earth, doing all the things Jesus wants us to do -- even if we sometimes struggle with those things. So, we kind of get two lives: a short one down here, and then, if we’re really good and ask Jesus to help us, a really really really really long one up there where we have no struggles or worries and just have Jesus and all the people we love.

A long time from now (at least I hope it’s a long time from now), there will be other times when you will have to say goodbye to people you love. It might be me or Daddy or PawPaw or Gammoo or Tractor or anyone else you love. It might happen so quickly that you don’t get a chance to say “I love you” or “Goodbye.” It might happen slowly, allowing you the chance to say those things. Some of the people you have to say goodbye might not be ready to go. Some might. But always know that after they go, they will be happy, they will be with Jesus, they will always watch over you, and they are waiting for the day -- a day a long, long time from now -- that they will see you again.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Friday, October 26, 2012

Proving Your Mettle

Dear LittleDude,

Tonight, I received a message from a friend upset with herself for not wanting her boyfriend to take a business trip in the next few days. You see, there's a big, bad storm brewing, and it looks like it could cause a lot of damage, hurt or even kill some people, and leave a lot people without access to a lot of basic things we take for granted. (The idea that this may also interfere with Halloween and keep kids from collecting huge bags of candy is also a travesty.) Anyway, my friend is worried, but she also knows that she's sent people she loved into worse situations, so she's also a little upset at herself for becoming she thinks of as "that whiney girl." And that is where a lesson for you comes in.

We send your daddy away a lot. (In fact, he's gone right now.) Sometimes, we're sending him somewhere presumably safe. Other times, we're sending somewhere pretty dangerous. It's okay to be worried and not want him to go, no matter where he's going or what he's going to be doing when he gets there. Always remember that it's okay to worry about someone you love, to want to keep them with you, and to want to keep them safe. But also remember that sometimes, we prove our mettle when we can have all those worries and wants but can manage to let them go anyway -- and survive.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

On Being a Bad Driver

Dear LittleDude,

Sometimes, you're a little hypocritical. But it's cute, so we let it slide. Here's how it happened.

Scene: LittleDude and Mommy are playing with race cars on a very elaborate race track they have constructed on LittleDude's bedroom floor. (For the record, LittleDude began this construction process when he was supposed to be napping.)

LittleDude (after watching Mommy crash the cars): No, Mama! You a bad driver!

Mommy: I'm sorry! Can I try again?

LittleDude: No! I do it! (LittleDude proceeds to crash the cars himself.) Good job, cars!

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Dear LittleDude,

You have quite the morning routine going lately. You wake up (a little early for my taste, but I'm sure that will pass...eventually), insist on a little in-room playtime with me (and, if they cooperate, the dog and cat), and finally make your way into the living to watch Chuggington. After Chuggington, you go into the kitchen, get a bag of microwavable popcorn out of the pantry, and ask me to make it for breakfast. (This, by the way, is usually your first breakfast. You also seem to be in the habit of having either cereal or waffles with Daddy when he gets home from PT.) While I'm making it and getting your milk, you snuggle up on the couch, tuck yourself into my quilt, and watch your program of choice. And that's exactly where you stay while you eat breakfast: tucked into your little nest on the couch, watching George or Doc McStuffins while eating popcorn. It's very cute.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Monday, July 2, 2012

Car Washes & Cookies

Dear LittleDude,

Today, Curious George built one of your favorite things in the world: a car wash. And apparently, it put you in the mood to wash your own toy cars because you asked to take a bath, dubbed it a "car wash" and spent 2 hours washing all your bathtub cars. When you got out, you wanted a cookie, and I told you that you could have one as soon as we got you dried off and got your jammies on. So, we went into your room, got up on the changing table, toweled you off some more, and started putting your jammies on. But I guess I just wasn't quick enough because about halfway through the jammies, you looked at me and exclaimed, "Hurry up, Mama! My cookie's gettin' stale!" And so I did.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Smart Little Dinosaur

Dear LittleDude,

Last night's story time was the best story time ever. Lately, you've had quite a list of bedroom stories. Before I rock you, I have to read "Dinosaur Food" (a.k.a. "How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food?"), "Dinosaur Goodnight" ("How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?"), "Dinosaur Cat" ("How Do Dinosaurs Take Care of Cats?"), and "Cereal" (a Cheerio play book). When I rock you, I have to recite all those dinosaur stories and add "Dinosaur Cookie" ("How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?"), "Dinosaur Ho-Ho" ("Dinosaur Christmas"), "Pajama Time" (correct title), and "Goodnight, Gorilla" (also correct title). (It's a good thing I have a good memory!)

Usually, you just curl up in my lap and play with my fingers or rub my cheek with your hand. Sometimes, you try to tickle me. Other times, you're content to look at the stars on your ceiling and just listen. But last night? Last night you recited every word of "Dinosaur Ho-Ho," "Dinosaur Food," and "Pajama Time" right along with me, looking up at me and smiling and giggling the entire time. You're such a smart little guy!

I love you, little dinosaur.
Love, Mommy

Monday, June 11, 2012

Daddy's Shoes

Dear LittleDude,

Hiding Daddy's PT shoes will not make him have to stay home from work. Neither will hiding Daddy's boots (in case you're thinking of trying it). Now, will you please tell me where you hid them?

I love you.

Love, Mommy

Friday, June 8, 2012

Monkey It Is?

Dear LittleDude,

After all the crying yesterday and the night before, now you want the Monkey sheet? Well, okay...

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stars It Is

Dear LittleDude,

If you're scared to sleep on the Monkey sheet instead of the Stars sheet, it's easier to say "No Monkey!" or "I'm scared!" or pretty much anything than screaming and crying like you're having the worst nightmares ever all night long. So, let's make a deal. After I finish my third cup of coffee, we will search the internet to see if we can find another Stars sheet exactly like your favorite. Then, even if we can't find one, I promise I will try to remember to never ever ever wash your sheets so close to bedtime or naptime that you have to sleep on anything else, but you have to promise to be brave if something like a mid-sleep illness, washing machine malfunction, or faulty Mommy memory results in a Monkey sheet being on your bed.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Friday, May 11, 2012

It's the Ickey House Ubhouse!

Dear LittleDude,

This is one of the moments I've been waiting for. Ever since we started planning to take you and Lulu to Disney World (which, granted, was only two weeks ago) this summer, the one thing I've sort been sad about is that you haven't been all that familiar with anything Disney related outside of "Tangled" (your favorite movie). You've always been more of a PBS Kids kid, counting "Curious George," "Dinosaur Train," "Thomas," and "Sid the Science Kid," among your favorites. But then last week, you discovered "Chuggington," and I discovered that it's part of the Disney Junior programming line-up. That led to "Mickey's Clubhouse," which led to "Jake & the Neverland Pirates," which led to the Disney animated classics. Today, you spent all morning watching "Ickey House," and now you're completely mesmerized by "Um-Mo" (Dumbo). Now I'm sure you will love this vacation and experience a little magic in your own Toby way.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Three Years Old!

Dear LittleDude,

Today, you're turning 3! In so many ways, it seems like I've barely had time to blink since that night I woke up to the sensation of wet sheets and realized you were making your entrance into the world far earlier than planned. I will always look back on that day and the days that immediately followed as some of the happiest days of my life, even though they were also some of the scariest. One day, you may have a child of your own, and then you will understand that. No one will ever make you smile more, worry more, cry more, or laugh more than your own child. But, I digress... so here is a list of some of things that make you our wonderful, silly, smart, and happy LittleDude.

Your Favorite Food: French fries!
Your Favorite Game: Anything that involves directing Mommy & Daddy. Lately, this has included "Sleep" and your own version of Hide-and-Seek.
The Best Show on Television: It's still a toss-up between "Dinosaur Train" and "Thomas & Friends" with "Curious George" following closely behind.
Your Best Friends: Mommy & Daddy are still the coolest people on Earth, but Lulu and Elizabeth are your best kid friends.
You Have a Talent For: Naming the different dinosaur species (even when they don't look like the ones on Dinosaur Train)
Your Favorite "Bye-Bye" Destination: Anywhere with a playground, the "walk park" where Mommy pushes you in your stroller, the toy store with the train table (even though you have one at home), Red Robin, and anywhere we might meet Daddy, Elizabeth, Gammoo, Lulu, or PawPaw.
Your Favorite Color: Orange
When You Grow Up, You'll Probably Be: A paleontologist.
Your Favorite Song: "Dinosaurs A to Z" and the "Dinosaur Train" theme song
Your Favorite Book: "Chugga Chugga Choo Choo" by Kevin Lewis and "Moo Baa La La La" by Sandra Boynton
Three Words that Describe You: Independent, Chatty, Clever
When You Were Little-er: You used to call Thomas the Tank engine "Toggie." A few days ago, he became "Thomas."
Your Favorite Activity: Playing with your trains & train table, dinosaurs & train, and cars. Also hanging out in the fort in your room.
Your Favorite Snack: Popcorn!
Your Least Favorite Food: Green beans. You absolutely will not even touch one.
One of Your Little Quirks: You're very particular about the toys you're playing with. If someone moves your trains, you "scold" that person and move them back.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Daddy's Little Boy

Dear LittleDude,

You have been Daddy's little boy today. You did go grocery shopping with me this morning, but you talked about Daddy the entire time, and as soon as we got home, you decided it was time to wake Daddy up so he could play. You spent the rest of the morning playing outside with Daddy, you sat with Daddy at lunch, you woke from your nap asking for Daddy, you spent the entire afternoon playing with Daddy, and you decided to share your bedtime snack with Daddy (but NOT Mommy).

Yes, I think it's safe to say that you've missed your daddy for the past several weeks.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Friday, February 24, 2012

Daddy's Home!

Dear LittleDude,

Daddy came home while you were sleeping last night. When you woke up this morning, he asked if he could be the one to get you out of bed. I stayed in our bedroom, and as soon as he walked into your room, I heard an excited, "Daddy!" followed by a string of chatter that was so rapid I couldn't understand what you were saying. But the point was clear: a Daddy homecoming is the best wake-up a kid could ever wish for.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Sunday, February 19, 2012

PBS Weekends

Dear LittleDude,

It thrills me that you adore British drama on PBS. For now, I'm sure you're actually more fascinated with the accent than anything else, but I hope it will develop into a lifelong love of language, theater, cinema, and music.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adventures in Packing

Dear LittleDude,

I appreciate your help with the packing, but my phone really doesn't need to be packed. Especially in a big box of things that have been wrapped in bubble wrap. That stuff muffles sound, you know.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dear LittleDude,

It is not okay to slap my hand and tell me, "No, no, no!" Yes, I know we do that to the dog when he tries to steal your food. Yes, I know I have done it to you once or twice when you've been in danger of hurting yourself and didn't listen to a simple "No." And, yes, I know I burst into laughter when you did it to me. But if I tell you that you're not allowed to climb up onto the closet shelves and then block your path when you insist on trying to do it anyway, it's really not okay to slap my hand and tell me no -- even if your impression of me is the cutest thing ever.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Little Monet

Dear LittleDude,

It seems like you're becoming a little artist. Suddenly, you've decided you like crayons almost as much as your trains. (Okay, maybe that's stretching it a bit, but there has still been a big spike in crayon usage around here.)

This evening while I was icing my knee after a tough workout, you were sitting on the floor drawing, and for about ten minutes, you worked very diligently on one drawing. Finally, you brought it to me and exclaimed, "Look, Mama! It's Diesel!" To be honest, you aren't quite skilled enough with crayons for me to have recognized the drawing as anything without the explanation, but considering that you're two years old and were presenting me with your very first non-abstract work of art, "color" me impressed.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Dear LittleDude,

This morning, I baked muffins for breakfast. When you got out of bed, you saw them cooling on the oven. First, you asked, "Cake, please!" and then you asked, "Hot, Mama? Hot?"

I don't know what makes me more proud: hearing you use a new word, hearing you use your manners, or knowing you're smart enough to realize things on the stove might be hot!

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Night Night, Sleep Tight

Dear LittleDude,

I love how excited you are when it's time for your bed- and nap-time routine.

First, when I tell you it's time for bed, you start gathering all your favorite trains. Thomas, Toby, Percy, Rocky, Molly, the musical caboose, and the musical train that runs on the rolling track all have to come to bed. (And if one is missing, you either fetch it yourself or insist that I fetch it before you will be tucked in.)

Then, you practically run down the hall to your bedroom where you choose orange stars on your Twilight Turtle. (I think you like the orange because you can see the difference between Turtle's stars and the green glow-in-the-dark stars Daddy arranged in constellations on your ceiling.)

After you choose your stars, you have to turn on your ocean and your fish (two buttons on a sound machine that also has a projector that happens to have the fish disk loaded so that you see fishies on your ceiling at night).

Then you run over to the door, slam it shut, jump up into the rocking chair, and turn off your light.

At that moment, you get the biggest grin I've ever seen because you know it's time to cuddle in my lap while I rock you and sing to you and tickle you until I "toss" you into bed and tuck you.

It's one of my favorite parts of every day, and I'm glad it's one of your favorites too.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Being LittleDude: January 2012

Dear LittleDude,

It's the start of a new month and a new year. You, of course, don't understand that. You just know that Daddy has been home every morning for awhile and that you like it that way. I have a feeling you're not going to believe or like it when you wake up in the morning and I tell you Daddy is at work.

Right now, you're Daddy's little boy. Oh, you still cry when I attempt to leave you alone with Daddy, but as long as I don't actually leave the house, you're perfectly content to come to me only for the occasional cuddle and focus on Daddy for all the playing.

When it comes to play time, your Dinosaur Train trains and talking dinosaurs have taken a back seat to your Thomas trains for the past few days, though the dinos did get a little play time yesterday afternoon. I think we might have overwhelmed you with new dinosaur stuff over Christmas. At any rate, we now have 50 Thomas collections in our Netflix Instant Watch queue so you can practice saying, "Rocky," "Thomas" (which still sounds like Toggie), "Percy" (which sounds a little risque at times), "Toby," "Molly," "James," and "Bust my buffers! It's dark in here!" (thanks to your Percy flashlight) every time one of your favorite engines comes onto the screen.

Your train table has also taken a back seat to tracks on the floor. I think this is because it is difficult to see the television around the Christmas tree. We'll try to take care of that today. Yesterday, you actually took the tracks off your train table for the first time in a few months. The amazing thing is that you didn't just toss the pieces aside. Instead, you started rebuilding a track on the floor. We definitely need to get you some more track.

Your favorite game at the moment is "Sleep." Basically, this involves you leading every living being in the house (except for Fish) into Mommy & Daddy's bedroom, turning off all the lights, cuddling in Mommy & Daddy's bed, and repeatedly pretending to fall asleep and then wake up in a start. It's very cute, and one day, I hope I'll be able to catch it on camera (maybe during the day when you can't make it quite pitch-dark in the room).

Let's see....other things...

You still prefer to eat your meals at your own time. If you are very, very hungry, you might join us at the table for the first ten minutes of a meal, but usually, you still prefer to eat an hour after everyone else... coincidentally (I'm sure) right around the time you notice Daddy and me preparing for your bed- or nap-time routine. (A little con artist, you are.)

You also still shun meat. In fact, if the meat isn't a chicken nugget or a piece of lamb from a Middle Eastern dish (you seemed to love the Turkish restaurant last week), you won't touch it. Eggs? Yes. Vegetables? Sometimes...with increasing frequence. Carbs? Always. Meat? Almost never.

And finally, you're starting to show an interest in art. Up until now, you haven't been a fan of crayons or markers (and you still aren't a fan of markers because I haven't given them to you yet), but over the past week or so, you've discovered that mirrors make great canvases for bathtub crayons and that Daddy is a pretty good artist. Currently, in addition to your efforts, there's a Rocky engine, a Tiny Pteranodon, a Tank Triceratops, a Thomas engine, a Percy engine, and a Buddy Tyrannosaurus on Daddy's bathroom mirror.

I can't wait to see what this month brings for you.

I love you.
Love,  Mommy

Monday, January 2, 2012

No Ducks Here!

Dear LittleDude,

Lately, one of your favorite games has involved curling up in bed with Mommy and Daddy and pretending to, alternately, fall asleep (complete with fake snoring) and wake up with a start. You particularly like to play this game after dark when turning off all the lights ensures complete darkness ( get a little miffed if you see light filtering under the door from the living room).

Tonight, as you were declaring, "No light!" and turning off the lamps, I was teasing you by turning the lamp back on the moment you moved your hand away from the switch.

After about the fifth time, you looked at me and demanded, "Stop it, Mama!"

"But I'm afraid of the dark!" I cried.

To which you replied with all the sincerity in the world, "I'm not a duck!" before flicking off the lamp anyway.

I love you.
Love, Mommy