Thursday, March 12, 2009

34 Week Appointment: Why I Waddle

Dear LittleDude,

We had a doctor appointment today, and it went pretty well. I'm holding steady in the weight department since I'm still only about 10 pounds heavier than I was before you started growing in there. On one hand, I think that's great because it means I'll be back to my pre-pregnancy weight practically as soon as you're born. On the other hand, it sort of means I was a chubby in the first place. So, really, maybe I should stop advertising my minimal weight gain and let people look at me and assume I've gained 30 pounds instead of 10!

My blood sugar numbers are great, and the doctor is impressed we've been able to keep things under control without insulin. We are now allowed to treat ourselves occasionally, and I only have to prick my finger every other day. I'll probably still do it every day, though. It's not that bad, and I'd rather keep a close eye on things to make sure you're okay.

On the flip side, the doctor is a little concerned about my blood pressure. Don't ask me to explain what each number means because I can never remember, but while the top number is holding pretty steady (though borderline high), the bottom number is creeping up and is just too high. Because of that, I expected the doctor to confine us to bed for awhile, but she didn't. She didn't prescribe any medication either. I'm just under strict orders to "take it easy," keep my stress level low, and pee in a cup for 24 hours sometime next week so they can make sure pre-eclampsia hasn't set in.

In other news, it seems that you're growing a little bit faster in there. For the first time, my belly measured a little bigger than expected. Don't worry. We're only measuring at 35 weeks, and it's the first time we've been ahead of the curve. Nothing to worry about. Except that I've been hearing horror stories of giganto-babies resulting from gestational diabetes. So, I told the doctor I was anxious, and she decided to check you out.

The doctor didn't want to risk an internal exam, but she did feel around my belly to see what position you're in and such. She could tell that your back is currently toward my right side (which is so weird because I would have sworn you were hanging out on the left again), but she couldn't feel your head. So she got out the ultrasound machine to give me an extra peek at you. She looked...and looked...and found your knees, feet, hands, and everything...everything but a head, that is. At that point, in answer to my questions about how I'll know when you drop (and I should pack my hospital bag) and get into position to make your entrance into this world, she exclaimed, "If he drops, he'll drop right out!" As it turns out, the reason I feel like I have bowling ball in between my legs is because that's where your head is. In fact, your head is so low that the doctor couldn't get a good picture of it, and she's surprised I'm still able to walk. In other words, you're already in position to come out any time you like, but all the other signs indicate that you'll probably just hang out right there -- making it difficult for Mommy to walk or do anything but visit the bathroom more times than I ever thought possible in a day -- until your due date or beyond.

So the verdict is in. Almost everything looks good. I'm not showing any signs of pre-eclampsia aside from the slightly elevated blood pressure, and while you're hanging in there and getting ready to meet us, there's no indication of pre-term labor, so there's no reason we can't go to Illinois this weekend for our baby shower. Your only orders are to hang out for another six weeks. My only orders are to relax, keep my stress levels low, have fun at the shower, give myself a 2-day reprieve from monitoring my blood-sugar (the doctor says she does NOT want to see numbers for the weekend because she wants us to enjoy ourselves, and 2 days off won't hurt us), do the urine test next week, and come right in to get checked if there's any signs of you trying to make an appearance before our 36-week appointment.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Time for Finishing Touches

Dear LittleDude,

Your room is almost complete. I just have one more project to finish now that Daddy and I have decided on your name. (Believe me, that was the hard part. Your daddy has generally horrible taste in names. Don't ask him to name any future pets.) In fact, I think I'll send Daddy to the grocery store, so I can get started on it. Painting sounds like a lot more fun than grocery shopping.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Size Normal on the Right. Size Pregnant on the Left.

Dear LittleDude,

Right now, I'm laying on the couch, avoiding today's to-do list (as usual), and you are wiggling around inside my belly. The funny thing is, you're hanging out almost completely on the left side of my belly, so if someone looked at me from just the right angle, I might not even look pregnant.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Monday, February 9, 2009


Dear LittleDude,

I'm not sure what you're doing in there, or if you're doing anything at all, but I hope these Braxton-Hicks things stop pretty soon. It's not painful, but it IS uncomfortable, and it makes me worry. You aren't due to meet me and Daddy for another ten weeks. Isn't it just a bit early to be practicing? Kick back (okay, maybe don't kick so much; I'm a little sore), relax, take a nap, and enjoy your lack of view. Okay?

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just In Case

Dear LittleDude,

Yesterday, I went to drink the even ickier glucose "soda" so the doctors can determine whether or not our pineapple and ice cream cravings are going to get curbed.

I haven't heard anything from them yet, but something tells me we should go ahead and eat a big bowl of pineapple and then go to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone... just in case.

I love you.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Sing

Dear LittleDude,

Today, I finally stopped. I think I've been running around for months, always looking at the next thing. First, it was getting to the start of the semester in school. Then it was midterms. Then Daddy coming home. Then finals. Then leave. Then being sick and in the hospital. (Well, I wasn't looking forward to that, exactly, but it happened, and we're okay.) Then the holidays in Minnesota. And since then, I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off just trying to get everything ready for your arrival (which isn't done...but, hey, I'm only human, and you might as well learn that now).

But today, just a few minutes ago, I finally stopped. Just for a minute. And I fell in love more than I ever thought possible, one more time. No TV, no music, no barking dog going nuts about the noisy maintenance people who are doing invisible work in the hallway. Just me on the couch with you kicking inside my belly. And I sang. And I think you liked it and drifted off to sleep. I am so in love, it's ridiculous.

Love, Mommy

Hanging In There

Dear LittleDude,

I'm a little freaked out. I found out that I failed my 1-hour glucose test and will have to take a 3-hour glucose test to be screened for gestational diabetes. What this means for you is that you could be having some little problems in there. What it means for Mommy is that I might have a little more trouble keeping you strong and healthy and not huge until you can come out and meet us. 

I keep having mini-nightmares (well, daymares since I haven't been sleeping too well at night) about things going wrong. I'm still afraid we could lose you. And beyond that, I'm afraid of failing epidurals, you being too big, you coming too early, baby weight that won't come off, stretch marks, the parts of delivery and recovery no one tells you about until you're already pregnant, finding a decent outfit in size whale for the baby shower Gammoo and Teresa are throwing for us, etc. And on top if it all, I have a sudden urge to scavenge through the kitchen like a starved raccoon every twenty minutes. 

I just can't wait until I can see your little face and hold you in my arms.

Love, Mommy

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monkey Kicks

Dear LittleDude,

Today, for the first time, you decided to kick back if I poked my belly while you were already kicking. I love this game. You'll kick and then stop. Then I'll poke. Then you'll kick in a slightly different spot. Then I'll poke. It can go on and on for quite awhile, and I love every kick you make because it took so long for me to be able to feel you moving around in there! 

You even play your little game with Lucky. In fact, I think she's your favorite playmate. This morning, she was curled up on my belly, purring to you as usual when you decided to kick her. Of course, she just stared down at my belly as if to say, "What'd you do THAT for?" but then she settled back down and started kneading right where you'd kicked. Of course, you kicked her again. And of course, she stopped, gave you "the look," and started kneading again. You two probably played that game for a good half an hour. Silly cat. Silly LittleDude. (I wonder what would happen if I started playing "Hamster Dance" while the cat was sitting on my belly. Maybe we'll try that when Daddy gets home.)