Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear LittleDude,

Today was a big day. Not only did you "meet" Daddy for the first time, but we also found out that you're a LittleDude instead of a LittleChick!

The day started with me, Gammoo, PawPaw, and Lulu going to the airfield to wait for Daddy's plane to arrive. When it did, we stood outside and watched Daddy and all the soldiers walk off the plane and start to line up. After that, we went inside and waited for them to march in. After we thanked God for bringing your Daddy and all the other soldiers back home safely, someone gave a short speech and then let everyone find their families. When Daddy found us, the first thing he did was hug and kiss me and then bend down to send you a kiss through my belly.

We had to let Daddy go back to work after that, but while he was there, PawPaw took me to see the doctor, and she was able to let us see you and to tell me you were a LittleDude. I didn't let her tell me, though. I asked her to write it down and seal it up so Daddy & I could read it together. Then we went to pick up Daddy at work, and he & I read the news together. So now you have two nicknames. You'll always be my Monkey, but now you're my LittleDude, too!

I love you.
Love, Mommy

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