Friday, October 26, 2012

Proving Your Mettle

Dear LittleDude,

Tonight, I received a message from a friend upset with herself for not wanting her boyfriend to take a business trip in the next few days. You see, there's a big, bad storm brewing, and it looks like it could cause a lot of damage, hurt or even kill some people, and leave a lot people without access to a lot of basic things we take for granted. (The idea that this may also interfere with Halloween and keep kids from collecting huge bags of candy is also a travesty.) Anyway, my friend is worried, but she also knows that she's sent people she loved into worse situations, so she's also a little upset at herself for becoming she thinks of as "that whiney girl." And that is where a lesson for you comes in.

We send your daddy away a lot. (In fact, he's gone right now.) Sometimes, we're sending him somewhere presumably safe. Other times, we're sending somewhere pretty dangerous. It's okay to be worried and not want him to go, no matter where he's going or what he's going to be doing when he gets there. Always remember that it's okay to worry about someone you love, to want to keep them with you, and to want to keep them safe. But also remember that sometimes, we prove our mettle when we can have all those worries and wants but can manage to let them go anyway -- and survive.

I love you.
Love, Mommy